Pet Microchipping

At The Animal Hospital of Smithson Valley, we are happy to offer microchipping.


Pet Microchipping

A microchip can significantly improve the chances that a lost pet will return home. The staff at The Animal Hospital of Smithson Valley highly recommends this straightforward and quick operation.

In between the dog or cat’s shoulder blades, a small microchip is inserted (other animals such as horses, ferrets, and most mammals can be microchipped too). A scanner can read the microchip’s identifying number, which is present on it. To identify the animal’s owner, a vet clinic or animal shelter can scan the animal’s chip.

When your pet is microchipped, your veterinarian will request your most recent contact information, which will be entered into a national database. Your pet’s microchip will permanently link your name, address, and phone number to the distinct 15-digit number, enabling prompt identification of your pet in the event of its disappearance.